Joining the Future
Hello internet. I have finally caved in and am joining the rest of the world online. I have no idea how this will work out. I am far from a gadget person but lets give it a go anyways. I'm just going to use this blog to show friends and family and anyone else who wishes to see my art and adventures therein. I'l try to post regularly. So hello and thank's for stopping by. I appreciate you.
Since I have landed in Canada I have only really had the space to work out of Sketchbooks, but I am Quite Loving my Sketchbooks at the moment, they are great company. Here are a selection of pages from December 24 2011 up until today in no particular order. Please forgive the quality . I am presently without much of my Equipment so these pictures were taken on a pretty dodgy little camera, but here there are none the less.
Alfred |
Featuring line work by Charles joseph Echeverria Tigner |
Fish Bombs Courtesy of Walker Ballantyne- Hill |